BE GRATEFUL – Happy 2016

Zest Organic Cafè, Patnem beach, South Goa – 03:24pm

On a hot Goan afternoon, with the fan at its highest speed blowing fresh prana, while waiting from my Green Detox Cold Pressed Juice, I want to share with you my diary today.

Since a while I’ve this habit of, before felling asleep at night, listing 5 things I’m grateful for the day just gone. So I fell asleep with a smile..:-) Try this precious practice and I promise you will notice the benefits since day 2!

Today I’ve listed the 5 things I’m grateful for the year just past. This
challenging yet rewarding 2015. Here you go.

  1. Having had the courage, strength & flexibility to follow my dreams (and realize them!!)
  2. To appreciate the beauty of the present moment = SANTOSHA (2nd Nyama of Patanjaly Yoga Sutra)
  3. To have been able to inspire other people (yogi students and non) to improve their lives and lifestyle
  4. For all the hugs and support I’ve received from the wonderful people I’ve met alongside my path. This challenging yet rewarding path / year
  5. For all the less wonderful people I’ve met who provided me with the challenges I needed to grow and become the person I am today, now.

And you? What are you grateful for?

And so I like to end my classes: “You made it, Shavasana… Be grateful, be thankful, for your body, for your neighbor, for the sun setting, for the moon raising, for the good days and fir the bad days. For everything life gives you. For all the Gods and Goddesses around you and within you.”
